
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

God, The Master Physician

“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds; declares the Lord,”  Jeremiah 30:17

After a 4th Caesarian section, my youngest sister, Roche gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. This was really another miracle from God! I have never heard of anyone having four C-sections in my life! I was just so amazed at God’s power and his mercy. Everything seemed to be going well, until my sister’s wound turned septic. Suddenly, her health just nose-dived. Roche developed kidney problems and other niggles. Doctors warned that the kidney problems were related to the last C-section. After being under observation for a few days, Roche ignored the doctor’s orders and discharged herself from hospital. Two days later, she was found unconscious and had to be rushed to hospital. While in the ICU, she suffered bouts of seizures. And to make matters worse, her blood pressure skyrocketed and her sugar levels went through the roof. Family members put their differences aside and rallied around my baby sister. Just looking at my sister’s lifeless form as she lay there in ICU with all those pipes and the ticking of those machines made me realize how fragile and precious life is. And that we are not in charge of our destiny. There is only one person in charge of our lives. And that person is, God. For a split second, my mind went into over-drive. Was God calling my baby sister home? Why her? She’s too young to die! I cried and cried and begged God not to take her young life from us. But, in my heart I knew that it was not up to me. Her life was in God’s very capable hands. He is the ultimate healer. My husband and I prayed at her bedside and asked God to please be merciful and to come restore her health. On day 2 when Roche opened her eyes, she couldn’t really focus on anything. Her speech was slurry and she was still disorientated. She couldn’t eat a thing. They had to resort to feeding her intravenously. But, she craved for water and juice to drink. She was forever thirsty. This left the doctors dumbfounded. They put her through a battery of tests and other blood work. But, no result was forthcoming. The days that came and past were filled with questions, hospital visits and prayers from family and friends. Finally, on the 5th day there were signs of improvement. Her speech was less slurry. After another set of scans, it was discovered that she was a borderline diabetic and an epileptic. Although the outcome was not what we had expected, we were grateful to God that He delivered on his promise of healing Roche and bringing her back to us from the brink of death.


Lord, thank you for listening to our cries for help. Thank you for being the Master Physician. Thank you for being Our Father in our time of need. Thank you for bringing our family together, even if it was in a time of anguish. Amen.

Forever Grateful,