Let’s face it, we all go on countless journeys and life takes us along many a winding turns and narrow streets. But, how many of us have taken a spiritual trip along the ‘Road to Emmaus’ just like those two disciples did long time ago? I had the opportunity of travelling on mine a few months ago when I embarked on an Evangelisation Course at our Church. It all began on a cool Saturday afternoon. However, the setting was nothing like the rocky road that those disciples travelled. Our journey took place in the church grounds. We students were grouped together and each one had to choose a partner for the journey. Before embarking on this journey, everyone had to be blindfolded. After that, we made our way all along the church grounds taking on the characters of the two disciples many years ago. When my partner and I started the journey, we didn’t know what to expect. We were a little perplexed, weary and hopeless. We also had many reservations about the entire journey. But, as we journeyed along, we spoke about the many struggles each other were facing. My partner had a problem with her daughter who was in a relationship with someone of another faith and she was also managing a dysfunctional marriage. On the other hand, I was coping with a crisis wherein my father was in denial over his substance abuse problem and I was also trying to endure my constant bouts of depression. We chatted and listened to each other all the time. Although our challenges were different, we could relate to one another as mothers and as sisters in Christ. We could offer each other support and some godly advice. In the beginning, it seemed as if nothing was going to change our mood. But, when we reached “Emmaus” our frame of mind underwent a drastic transformation. In our hearts we knew God was walking alongside us even though we never noticed his presence. And as our journey came to an end, everyone could but stare at us in awe! That previous air of uneasiness was replaced by profound joy radiating from our eyes to our faces. God is alive! God is real! God’s love is everlasting.
Verse: 30. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. 31. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. 32. They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”
Luke 24:30-32 [NIV]
Prayer: Lord, thank you for accompanying us on our Emmaus journey. Please help us to never lose faith in you and to know that you are always with us no matter what our circumstances. Thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and rising again. Amen
Have you travelled on your road to Emmaus yet?
Have a blessed day,