New Year is here again.
It’s another year.
It’s a brand new start for all of us.
I wonder. Do you have any pledges for 2010?
Perhaps you have a New Year’s resolution?
I’m afraid I don’t have any! I haven’t really thought about anything for this year. Sorry! I’m just not good at following through with certain things.
Last year, I made a promise [to myself] to diet and exercise so that I could be in ‘tip-top’ shape. I desperately wanted to get into my skinny jeans then.
In the beginning, everything went ‘hunky dory’. I cut down on my carbs and increased my protein intake. I even walked for 10 km a day. It was smooth sailing for about one or two months. But as soon as I got an invitation to eat out, I went back to my old tricks. Chocolates, tangy fried chips and decadent chocolate cake became part of my late night snack binges again.
I just don’t know! Maybe, I’m just a sucker for good treats. Enough of that!
So, now I stare at the ceiling and tell myself that this year’s going to be different. I am not going to make any promises to anyone this time.
This year I will not follow my head.
I’m going to try and be like the three wise men.
Like the wise men were led by the Star to the One who was born to be Our King, I will follow the Spirit wherever it leads me. I just don’t want the scripture to roll down my lips and disappear into thin air. I want it to make a resting place in my heart:
Matthew 2
The visit of the Magi [three wisemen]
1After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." [NIV]
I’m going to strive to make Jesus Christ my Star!
May the Blessings of Christ be with you during this coming New Year.
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